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  • Did you hear the story about a girl, her bunion, and how she found The Perfect Career because of it? 
    We all have our stories of how we found ourselves in this amazing industry. My story just happens to involve me getting bunion surgery back in the summer of 2012, quitting my job while on FMLA leave(yep...I did that!) and going to school full time to become an Esthetician. 
I knew about a decade or so ago that I needed to be my own boss...because honestly I sucked as an employee for others.  I had absolutely NO IDEA how...but I just knew that I had to find a way. And when you have no try and fail...ALOT!  

I had no real business experience, only technician, admin and crafting type experience. I knew how to troubleshoot things...and then how to fix them. But with every new business 'idea' I had...I would try it out. *Read spend about $500+ and then tap out. 

I had one business that was mildly successful and that was only because I was diabetic with my second son Ace. I designed, manufactured, and sold stylish diabetes accessories. Was featured in a few Diabetic Living magazines, and sold bags to nearly every state in the US...and to a few countries abroad, Germany,  Australia, New Zealand, Canada... Again...not truly a thriving business. I stumbled my way through fulfilling orders, and figuring out overseas manufacturing process...*not fun*. And was still never able to do it full time. 

By the time I quit my j.o.b in 2012, I had a pretty good idea on the type of business I wanted...only because I had failed so terribly in the past. When I graduated in April of 2013, I had already begun my next 'business', and I was excited! I had already designed my website, began working on some minor SEO, and was psyched to start serving clients. I couldn't wait...

But wait is exactly what I did... I had put a deposit down on a little spot I could call my own, and would be open for business in a month or so. And things began to fall apart *read fail* again...The landlord wasn't doing the build out as he said he would, he refused to remove 'trash' *read his horded junk* from my space, and did the shoddiest job on my client bathroom. I mean like not even a real vanity...but a kitchen cabinet with no sides...seriously!!!???

I couldn't understand why, why again was things still not going right? My little spot, turned out to be a roach ridden hording closet because of the landlord...and I had no paying clients...and my $1300 was gone!

It was feeling all too familiar...again...I had tried...and was failing....

It was also during this time that we found out that we would be blessed to add our 3rd child to the family...and this news was a surprising and beautiful light in my bleak situation. We were gonna have a baby girl...and I was over the moon excited!

It was then that I said...I can't begin this business venture in the location I was at. I let the landlord know that it wasn't going to work...I was pregnant, emotional and his horded stuff (in my leased space)was not a good fit for my business vision. I turned in my key that day. 

That day was also when my new door really is true about a door closing and another one opening. Because it was that very same day that I was contacted by a friend who was a regular at a hair salon about a block from my house. She said her stylist had an empty room and if I wanted to rent it out? I met with the owner...we hit it off...and I've been in my beautiful location every since. That was 4 years ago...

I share this with you, so that you can see that...I began my journey with hopes...wishes...and goals. I stumbled...and stumbled some more. But I kept the course, because I knew this industry would change my life. And it has more than I could have imagined. 

I hope you'll let me be a part of your journey too...It's my passion, and my desire to help YOU and YOUR business be the success you want it to be. 

Thanks for being here...annnnd for reading my short novel :-) 

Stay Blessed, 
Rickina Velte
The Lash & Brow CEO

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