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How to Shine in a Saturated Lash Market | Lash Business Success

  • By admin
  • 30 Jan, 2016
It’s no secret that the eyelash extension market is hot…and getting hotter. As more and more ladies and even some dudes are opting to enhance their eyes with lashes it was only a matter of time that in some city markets that lash bars, salons, shops, boutiques would start popping up everywhere. From lash franchises […] The post How to Shine in a Saturated Lash Market | Lash Business Success appeared first on The Lash CEO Blog.

It’s no secret that the eyelash extension market is hot…and getting hotter. As more and more ladies and even some dudes are opting to enhance their eyes with lashes it was only a matter of time that in some city markets that lash bars, salons, shops, boutiques would start popping up everywhere. From lash franchises to several large lash

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How to Shine

companies all vying for the attention of potential clients.

So how do You as the small solo lash artist or small lash business attract new clients and keep them when so many options may be available to them?

First lets chat about what this all means and why is it actually a Good thing for you and your lash business. It’s called Market Saturation…and to the uneducated business owner it may sound like the doom of your business. But open your mind for just a bit and hear me out on this one.

When a market has a lot of competition…this actually is a very good thing! Why…because think about it. It means that there are plenty of opportunities for you to win here! It also means that your competition has plenty of those same opportunities. It means that there are plenty of marketing tactics happening right where you need them, putting the message out there for them of course…but for you too! This actually also means that as more awareness happens more people are opening up to the idea of it. This is all good news if you take the right approach to the idea of many competitors.

But let’s take a second to also mention the flip side of a competitive market. We’ve seen what happened to the massage industry when massages became mainstream. Places were only charging $35 for 60 minutes of massage!!! Massage therapist were being short changed by at least $40, and leaving them burnt out and disgruntled. To avoid this happening to our industry we have to value our time, and our businesses…and not fall into the ‘I can do that for cheaper’ bit. Our services should not be thought of as cheap…the intensity, time and focus it requires to deliver a beautiful set of eyelashes should not be given away. Value your time, and your experience and your services…Value Your Business.

But back to standing out…what does it take…and what can you start doing tomorrow to stand out and shine in a saturated lash market? Here are 3 ways You can Shine:

  1. Recognize change and trends in our industry…and other complimentary industries…and keep up or get out!
    ( If you’re joining this industry because you think it’s quick money, or easy…don’t bother. Lash extensions involve more than you think, get properly trained and take your career choice seriously ). If offering a bundled deal for fill ins works for your business model use it. If you need a loyalty program to encourage repeat business grab a free or next to free app and launch one. Punch and stamp cards are cumbersome and no one wants to keep track of them. Virtual swipes are the way to go.
  2. Add value to your services
    I’ve said this a few times now, but it’s worth repeating again. Adding value to your services that your competitors are not doing is to your benefit. Keep a watchful eye on your competitors and then do what they are not doing, or not willing to do. It honestly doesn’t take much to put together a cute aftercare kit and add some personal touches to it. In my LHS member library I share where you can find foam pump bottles for less than .60, and you can make your own lash shampoo, include some mascara wands, a piece of candy or two, a quick pre-written note on aftercare, and package it in a cute bag, or take home box. Which you can find at Dollar Tree.

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    Lash Swag

  3. Be Different
    You are unique…and your lash business should reflect this. Buck some of the standard operating procedures…or SOP as we call them in the Navy. Introduce new approaches to your standard lash services. If you have a license to offer other services make them a part of your full sets. It doesn’t take a license to offer a hand and or arm massage before getting started. And just adding 10 minutes to your time can add a huge impact to your customer loyalty retention rates. Are you a brow wiz…add brow cleanup or maintenance to your full sets. Brows & Lashes…do go hand in hand.


If you find you’re facing challenges with client attraction or need guidance on how to better attract clients for your lash extension business, let’s talk! I offer a library full of the guides, resources and strategies I’ve used to grow my Lash Business from 1 client to close to 500 in under 3 years! And enjoying a business that has now doubled my previous ‘corporate’ job income. You can enjoy more calculated success for your eyelash business if you know what tools to use to get you there!

eyelash extension business, grow your lash business


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