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Ending Your Discounting Price Drama | The Lash CEO

  • By admin
  • 16 Sep, 2016
It’s easy to get caught up in discounting when it comes to being in the lash extension business. Whether it’s because you’re new and need the flow of business…or for another self-sabotaging reason(more on that later). But hear this…when you constantly discount without a plan in place, or keeping your prices at that discounted rate, […] The post Ending Your Discounting Price Drama | The Lash CEO appeared first on The Lash CEO Blog.

It’s easy to get caught up in discounting when it comes to being in the lash extension business. Whether it’s because you’re new and need the flow of business…or for another self-sabotaging reason(more on that later). But hear this…when you constantly discount without a plan in place, or keeping your prices at that discounted rate, you’re seriously cheating you and your business. And I’m pretty sure you didn’t get into this industry to cheat yourself out of a financially comfortable lifestyle… So let’s get into how we can break this cycle of discounting your lash services, and why it’s necessary.

Tip #1 – You’re Not Expensive…You Just Can’t Afford Me
This is one of my favorite money quotes…because it’s so true. I think we may be coming into a new era for our industry. More consumers are becoming savvy on the difference of what we provide and what nail salons or fly by night lashers do. What we offer takes patience, practice and a level of skill that not many can consistently deliver. So…they need to pay for it. But many are so used to the cheap-o $25 lashes that they now will approach you and question your prices. Hey…I get it… and You get it…but they do not! We cannot allow these deal/discount junkies to squeeze their way into our businesses. Listen…you run the show here…not them. If they’re seeking a rolling deal or discount politely explain why this isn’t how you do business. Explain that you’ve invested in yourself and provide a higher level of service and products…and this contributes to your higher price. You’re prices are what they are…if they can’t afford it…that’s on them NOT you!

eyelash extension business, lash business, lash success, lash stylists, eyelashes

Tip #2 – Regulars Get Raises Too
Ooh…so this one I personally struggle with. And I know I’m losing a few dollars from this…but I’m willing to take that loss for now. But if we’re being honest and running a business that is poised for growth, we absolutely have to give our regulars a price increase too. But we can do it in a manner that is professional and accepted. Here’s my plan of action for this one…since I’m slipping a bit (Don’t judge me:-/) As we near the holiday season again, I plan to give all of my clients a 60 day notice about a price increase in the coming 2017 year. This will be across the board…Everyone get’s it! Even if we raise our prices by just $7 multiplied times 65 for the total amount of clients seen every month give or take…that’s almost $500 a month! I don’t know about you…but I could use that $500 in about 500 different ways! So if you haven’t raised your prices in a couple of years…(like me) Let’s do it together for 2017!


Tip #3 – Stop Allowing Clients to Show Up With Dirty Lashes
So we’ve all had them. The client that shows up right from work…and hasn’t cleaned their lashes..and they’re getting a full set. We know that this situation takes a different turn depending on the client right? Regulars for me…who show up once out of 10 times with make up…I let slide. But for those perpetual clients who consistently arrive dirty…it’s gotta stop. I don’t currently have any of them…but my policy is that if cleaning takes more than 10 minutes…$15 is added to your service. Not charging for extra prep time, is just another way that is sucking money out of your lash extension business. More product…more time…and less chance their lashes will last as long. Which also means you’ll probably be hearing from them in 4 days saying “I keep loosing 9 or 10 lashes a day…what is happening?” Um…well maybe because I couldn’t properly get all that gunk off your face, last week? Ok…well we can’t say that, but you know we have to explain it out. So if you don’t have a Dirty Lash policy…CREATE ONE..and Implement it!


Tip #4 – Love Your Lash Business Goals & Yourself Enough
It’s strange right…but if you’re not holding your lash business to a high enough standard you’re missing the mark. You won’t charge what you’re worth because of fear no one will pay it. STOP! This just isn’t true…unless of course your full sets are $800…then maybe yeah. But to hit and exceed your goals you have to believe that you’re worth it…and clients will believe it too. Provide a beautiful service and treat them well, and they’ll come back and bring friends. This is what all of our businesses need…and we deserve it. So Love yourself and your lash business enough to charge what you’re worth, and don’t let cheapskates…talk you out of your goals!


Think of it this way, what we do not everyone can do. We freakin’ split hairs for a living for crying out loud…we deserve to paid nicely for that. If you do beautiful work, and let your passion show with every client. Increasing your prices just $7 shouldn’t be cause for them to walk on you. If they do…they weren’t loyal to begin with, and this just leave an opportunity for a better fit eyelash client to fill that spot.

Lash On!

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Understanding semi permanent makeup results, how long does the technique last. What is microblading?
By Rickina Velte September 2, 2017
Microblading is the talk of the beauty world and if you're reading this right now you may be wondering if permanent or semi permanent makeup is the career choice for you. This not so new but new to us industry is literally changing lives as it takes the beauty industry by storm. For as long as many of us can remember we've either over tweezed, or filled in our eyebrows...Ever. Single. Day  

It's a time consuming ritual that thousands and thousands of beauties are sick of doing. So in comes Microblading a semi-permanent savior of a technique. Delivering a beautifully natural and realistic looking set of eyebrows that provide easier mornings, no worries at the beach or in the shower.  It truly is a life-changing service that once mastered can be equally rewarding for you as the artist and for your clients. 

But getting started is different in every state and regulations are changing and shifting constantly to further create a solid set of rules for those looking to get started. Some require a license, while others do not. Best idea is to start with who regulates the tattoo industry in your state or country.  From there you should be able to find the answers you need to kick your Microblading artist career off. 

But sometimes overlooked is your personal inventory of skills, mindset and passion. Offering Microblading takes intense hand and eye coordination, a knack for artistry of the face, patience and an understanding of how the eyebrows play such an important role on everyone's face. I always like to say that one hair or stroke can make or break a set of brows. Without believing this may find that this field isn't for you. 

Next are you ready for the business side of things? If you're considering striking it out on your own, you better be ready to wear 10 different hats...and juggle them in the air. You have to be the artist, the janitor, the marketer, the accountant, the legal, the designer, and then some.  Running any business alone is never easy, but running a beauty business poses its own set of challenges. Not only do you have to be an artist you have to be a whip at getting new clients to you. And unfortunately many microblading trainers out there today have no idea how to do this. They may be amazing brow artists and instructors...but have no clue beyond Facebook and business cards to grow your new business. So you are then in a position of having a beautiful new skill you wanna share with the world...but no one to share it with. 

So by now you may be over the moon excited to get started...or having second thoughts. Both of which are totally normal. But if you're having second thoughts, maybe sit down and take inventory on what is creating the doubt. Is it the investment in training, or the business side of it all? 

Or if you're ready to jump in head're next steps are finding out your local regulations, seeking a reputable Microblading trainer or educator, and mapping out your business goals to get started. 

Lucky for you, I'm not only an Online Visibility Specialist for Microblading, Lash Artists and Beauty Pros...I also educate and train stylists on the art of skills to do the service, and how to bring them new clients.  I have the online marketing background... AND...I provide these services in my business still today. I can totally relate to your challenges, your questions and come right along side of you and guide you towards a Microblading career or business you're in love with. 

Ready to begin? Or maybe you have questions...
Let's connect here or on my Social Platforms...your new career is waiting! 
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