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Lash Business Success | Eyelash Extensions Norfolk Va Beach

  • By admin
  • 19 Nov, 2015
When was the last time you checked your business out on Google? Have you ever checked yourself out on Google? If you’re unsure if you’re showing up, or whether or not your website/blog/online profiles is working in your favor…let’s check that out and see. I’m a Lash marketing geek. I obsess over providing lashes, buying […] The post Lash Business Success | Eyelash Extensions Norfolk Va Beach appeared first on The Lash CEO Blog.

When was the last time you checked your business out on Google? Have you ever checked yourself out on Google? If you’re unsure if you’re showing up, or whether or not your website/blog/online profiles is working in your favor…let’s check that out and see.

I’m a Lash marketing geek. I obsess over providing lashes, buying lashes, applying lashes, and selling my lash services…so making sure I get to serve as many clients as possible has also become my obsession! The best way I know how to do this, without spending thousands of dollars every month is with Search Engine Optimization, or SEO! Most of my consistent new clients find me via Google…there’s no denying the power of a good website, that is actually working for your eyelash extension business.

It’s there working for you and ‘showing up’ for you and saying “hey look right here…this gal or dude has the lash extension super powers you’re looking for”. You’re busy trying to grow your business, and serving clients. You shouldn’t be worrying about how or where your next new client is coming from.

Now this isn’t to say you should sit on your keister and let your website do ALL  of the heavy lifting…now that would be just silly! But it should be bringing you at least 1 or 2 new clients every week. Then any efforts you do by pounding the physical or virtual pavement is just the gravy on the potatoes. Your eyelash extension business and the growth of your enterprise will rely heavily on how well you are visible.

I like to say if you’re not visible…you’re invisible. And this isn’t where your business should be…you should be out there attracting new clients. With your website, your online profiles, with your chatting up strangers, with friends tell their friends, and any community efforts you’re involved with.

BUT… if all of this is overwhelming or you’re just unsure how to even get started, it’s OK. Everyone who is successful was once, not. We all have to start somewhere and if you’re just starting..WELCOME! I’m super glad you’re here, because you’ll learn more than most will even push to know. Which is good news for you.

If you had to do one and only one thing today to grow your business, and you have all the basics complete. I would say it should be your website. It’s vital. It’s necessary. And it’s the key to your growth and future growth! Don’t sleep on this, and then wonder why 2 years from now you’re still trickling with 1 -2 clients a week.

If you’ve stumbled onto my blog here, consider this a blessing! I share tons of goodies here that will surely get you up and running and off to a great start! If you’re looking for a further step after you’ve been through here…check out the Lash Hustlers Society , it’s the next step in action-focused tips and strategies to start attracting clients to your eyelash extensions business…and start seeing real growth!


Thanks for reading, if you have any questions or comments please let me know!


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Visibility and SEO Tips for Microblading & lash extensions artist
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Understanding semi permanent makeup results, how long does the technique last. What is microblading?
By Rickina Velte September 2, 2017
Microblading is the talk of the beauty world and if you're reading this right now you may be wondering if permanent or semi permanent makeup is the career choice for you. This not so new but new to us industry is literally changing lives as it takes the beauty industry by storm. For as long as many of us can remember we've either over tweezed, or filled in our eyebrows...Ever. Single. Day  

It's a time consuming ritual that thousands and thousands of beauties are sick of doing. So in comes Microblading a semi-permanent savior of a technique. Delivering a beautifully natural and realistic looking set of eyebrows that provide easier mornings, no worries at the beach or in the shower.  It truly is a life-changing service that once mastered can be equally rewarding for you as the artist and for your clients. 

But getting started is different in every state and regulations are changing and shifting constantly to further create a solid set of rules for those looking to get started. Some require a license, while others do not. Best idea is to start with who regulates the tattoo industry in your state or country.  From there you should be able to find the answers you need to kick your Microblading artist career off. 

But sometimes overlooked is your personal inventory of skills, mindset and passion. Offering Microblading takes intense hand and eye coordination, a knack for artistry of the face, patience and an understanding of how the eyebrows play such an important role on everyone's face. I always like to say that one hair or stroke can make or break a set of brows. Without believing this may find that this field isn't for you. 

Next are you ready for the business side of things? If you're considering striking it out on your own, you better be ready to wear 10 different hats...and juggle them in the air. You have to be the artist, the janitor, the marketer, the accountant, the legal, the designer, and then some.  Running any business alone is never easy, but running a beauty business poses its own set of challenges. Not only do you have to be an artist you have to be a whip at getting new clients to you. And unfortunately many microblading trainers out there today have no idea how to do this. They may be amazing brow artists and instructors...but have no clue beyond Facebook and business cards to grow your new business. So you are then in a position of having a beautiful new skill you wanna share with the world...but no one to share it with. 

So by now you may be over the moon excited to get started...or having second thoughts. Both of which are totally normal. But if you're having second thoughts, maybe sit down and take inventory on what is creating the doubt. Is it the investment in training, or the business side of it all? 

Or if you're ready to jump in head're next steps are finding out your local regulations, seeking a reputable Microblading trainer or educator, and mapping out your business goals to get started. 

Lucky for you, I'm not only an Online Visibility Specialist for Microblading, Lash Artists and Beauty Pros...I also educate and train stylists on the art of skills to do the service, and how to bring them new clients.  I have the online marketing background... AND...I provide these services in my business still today. I can totally relate to your challenges, your questions and come right along side of you and guide you towards a Microblading career or business you're in love with. 

Ready to begin? Or maybe you have questions...
Let's connect here or on my Social Platforms...your new career is waiting! 
By Rickina Velte August 18, 2017
Quick tutorial on how to use canva for your microblading, lash extension or beauty business. Easy to use, with professional looking results.
By Rickina Velte August 5, 2017
Taking action to improve your microblading and lash extension's visibility.
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